Child Dentistry
For children, primary teeth (or so-called baby teeth) erupt at about 6 months. Later, from 5 to 14 years old, they change to permanent teeth. After the first tooth has erupted, it needs to be cleaned. You may use special brushes that can be put on a finger or just a piece of gauze, toothpaste is unnecessary. After more teeth have erupted you should buy a baby toothbrush and baby toothpaste, containing safe quantity of fluorine (up to 500 ppm). The child may brush the teeth independently, but parents should help before or after. For children under 6 years of age, the teeth should be brushed under supervision of parents. Until the child learns how to write, he/she is not able to brush the teeth properly. Toothpaste used by children should be suitable for children, since small kids tend to swallow it. If you have any questions or need help, our doctors will teach you and your child how to properly take care of teeth and the entire oral cavity.
Many parents consider that it is not necessary to treat primary teeth since they still will fall out. Unfortunately, this is not a correct assumption. It should be noted that beneath the primary tooth, in the same bone, there is a rudimental permanent tooth. Thus, if the primary tooth decays or festers, the permanent tooth is also affected by the damage. This may lead to a change in the color of the permanent tooth; stain occurrence, surface irregularities, and weakening of the general condition of the body as it constantly fights the infection. The child becomes irritable, irresistible to various diseases, especially colds. If the teeth are not treated in a timely manner, they may ache. It causes stress to the child as well as fear for treatment. A tooth may ache when touching it, which greatly complicates the treatment; consequently, the child experiences even greater fear and stress.
Therefore, it is necessary to treat primary teeth and it should be done in a timely manner, without waiting until it starts to ache. Parents play a very important role during a child’s visit to the dentist. The child needs to be explained the importance of oral care, prophylactic examination and treatment. In no way can a child be intimidated by a dentist or treatment visits be presented as a punishment. It also should not be referred to as "scary" experience in front of a child or exposing your own fear.
Nowadays, the treatment is painless, so it certainly will not cause bad emotions for the child and will not leave any unpleasant memories. During any procedure, the doctor tells the child what are the following steps. In our clinic, we use fillings that are created for children - they come in various colors, the child can choose any of them. We try to keep the child entertained, there is nothing to fear. However, without parental support, doctor will not be able to do this. The child should visit the doctor being prepared in a positive way – it must be assured that the doctor wants to help instead of causing pain or punish. Positively motivated children are keen to ensure that their teeth are healthy and taken well care.
Let's work together to make children grow healthy and happy.