We are performing simple and complicated root canal treatment as well as r-treatment. Procedures are
performed using a microscope and top-quality instruments and materials.
Initial and secondary treatment of teeth root canals is performed using a dental microscope - a magnification tool which is one of the necessities in contemporary endodontics. The microscope enables to see details that are not seen by bare(?) eye. An enlarged tooth image allows performing well-visible actions precisely, resulting in improved procedures, quality, and performance outcomes.
Using a microscope:
- additional or calcified root canal access is found
- diagnostics of fractures of the tooth crown or root
- diagnostics and treatment of tooth crown or root perforations
- removal of foreign bodies from dental root canals
- root canal secondary treatment procedure, during which special endodontic ultrasound instruments are used to remove the old filler šalinamas senas užpildas
- removal of inlays and ect.
Endodontic treatment or secondary treatments procedures contain using:
- Rubber Dam system
- root tip locator (Apex Locator®)
- microscope
- digital dental X-Ray
- ultrasonic instruments
- manual or machine canal cleaning systems (Pro Taper®, Wave One®)
- hot gutta-percha root canal filling, using vertical condensation technique in 3-D